Signature Sessions
Get started with one of our signature energy healing sessions, starting with the Life Activation.
Life Activation
Life Activation infuses the body with pure light, activating and awakening your core spiritual blueprint and opening pathways to access a deeper understanding of yourself and your unique life purpose. It establishes a new and profound connection to your Higher Self, laying the foundation for true healing to take place.
The first session for many, this healing is a pre-requsite for the more advanced healings.
Full Spirit Activation
Part two of the Life Activation, the Full Spirit Activation builds on the foundation of the first session by enhancing your connection to your higher self. This session deepens the link to your soul, activating the latent power within you and helping you more easily access your spiritual essence. Over time, this activation will help heighten your soul’s awareness of the physical world, enriching your life experience.
Aura Healing & Protection
Emotional Cord Cutting & Energy Clearing
This session clears dense energies and cuts away the energetic ties that keep us locked in repetitive patterns within relationships. As the energy that is stored in those cords is freed up we have the ability to make new choices and move forward in our lives.
Shamanic Aura Clearing
The Shamanic Aura Clearing is a simple yet powerful technique for clearing energetic, mental, and emotional attachments. It can be thought of as clearing out the "dust" or "debris" from toxic environments that gets stored in the aura. It helps you to effortlessly release the dense, stagnant energies that weigh you down, clear the mind, and leaves you feeling lighter, clearer and more free. ​
Aura Healing
The Aura Healing repairs damage to the aura caused by stress, trauma, emotional attachment, and substance use. The aura healing fills and repairs the weakened areas in the aura, allowing you to establish and set healthier boundaries, develop a stronger sense of self, and feel more whole.
Inner Core Healings
Crystal Healing
Each one holds a unique energy that helps to heal and realign imbalances within the physical body, mind, and emotions. Crystal Healings help facilitating healing around emotional pain or wounding, spark greater empowerment, assist with healing the physical, mental, & emotional bodies, increase vitality, and assist in orienting and reconnecting parts of us that have been scattered or disconnected. These healings bring about a state deep relaxation, a sense of oneness, and an overall feeling of inner peace and comfort.​​​
Hermetic Soul Retrieval
During challenging times of stress or trauma, our bodies can instinctively activate a protective mechanism that can lead to disassociation or becoming disconnected from ourselves. In this process, even after the immediate trauma fades, pieces of the soul can fragment, leaving you feeling incomplete or as though something vital is missing. The Hermetic Soul Retrieval session helps to gently reintegrate and unify these fragmented pieces, restoring you to a sense of wholeness and completeness.
Fire Soul Infusion Activation
Fire Soul Infusion Activation awakens and balances the Kundalini, or primal life energy, helping to move you forward into your next level. Tap into your personal power and harness the energy to overcome depression, apathy, and blockages, and awaken new levels of passion and creativity. This session also facilitates profound healing around intimacy & sexuality, and will open new doors for healing within relationships.
Core Will Infusion Activation
Core Will Infusion Activation works with the auric and etheric fields to strengthen and align your personal Will with your Higher Will. This session clears the central core of old energies and "stuff" that has accumulated over time, helping to quiet the mind and reconnect you with what's most important.
Healing Series
Ensofic Ray Healing Modality
The Ensofic Ray Healing Modality is the complete system of Reiki for harmonizing and unifying the body, mind, soul, and spirit. Generally done as a series of three sessions, this modality has the power to dissolve and heal blockages on every level, helping you to break free old patterns and move forward with grace and ease.
Hermetic Rebalancing Series
This 3-session series is recognized as the most potent rebalancing technique within the Mystery School tradition. The Hermetic Rebalancing series is a good annual "tune-up," delivering consistent and effective results for those seeking more balance and clarity in their life.
Distance Healings
Ensofic Reiki™ Distance Healing
The Ensofic Ray Healing Modality is the complete system of Reiki for harmonizing and unifying the body, mind, soul, and spirit. Ensofic Reiki™ can also be done long-distance to support physical healing, soothe the nervous system, and restore tranquility and peace of mind.